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n   “I Love Only Silence”
Song by
Alyson Greenfield
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baile: "Silencio"
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Browse Songs

"I Love Only Silence" es una canción de Alyson Greenfield.Se usó en el solo de Chloe Lukasiak llamado "Silencio" en el episodio "Nationals 90210" que ocupó el primer lugar.

Más tarde volvió a presentarse en el episodio especial "The Smoke Before the Fire".


I love only silence here
There is noise all the time
I love sunny landscapes
and I... love the sky

Pale blue, pale pink, or a calm white
Here the buildings are so high
Pale blue, pale pink or a calm white
Here the buildings are so high
That one sees nothing

Oh, if I, oh, if I, if I
Could rise up and
Annihilate all those ambitious countries
Oh, if I, oh, if I, if I
Could rise up and
Annihilate all those ambitious countries
Oh, if I, oh, if I, if I
Could rise up and
Annihilate all those ambitious countries
Oh, if I, oh, if I, if I
Could rise up and
Annihilate all those ambitious countries

I await
The great
Woman who will save
I await
The great
Woman who will save
I await
The great
Woman who will save


  • En Latinoamérica,cuando se transmitió el episodio "The Smoke Before the Fire",este solo se llamó igual a la canción traducida: "Yo solo amo el Silencio".